Division for the history of chemistry

About the division

The Division for the history of chemistry in the Norwegian Chemical Society works to stimulate the interest for the history of chemistry and to strengthen the contact between those who study the history of chemistry in Norway. The division serves as a connection to similar organisations in other countries as listed below.

Questions about the division can be send to:
Professor Annette Lykknes (annette.lykknes@ntnu.no)



Annette Lykknes, Department of Teacher Education, NTNU (chair)
Bjørn Pedersen, Department of Chemistry, UiO (deputy chair)
Ragnar Bye, School of Pharmacy, UiO

Leiv Sydnes, Department of Chemistry, UiB

Election committee: Lars Skattebøl and  Arvid Mostad, both at the Department of Chemistry, UiO.

Similar organisations in other countries

Kemihistorisk nämd (Sverige)

Dansk selskab for historisk kemi

Historical group (RSC UK)

Division of historical chemistry (ACS USA)

Working party on the history of chemistry in EuCheMS

European Society for the History of Science