Det vil være faglig program hver dag mellom lunsj og middag. Formiddagene kan benyttes etter eget ønske, for eksempel på langrennstur, i de flotte alpinbakkene eller i hotellets spa-avdeling.
Her er årets program (pdf).
"Biology oriented synthesis"
Professor Herbert Waldmann, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Techniche Universität Dortmund, Tyskland.
"Seeking "what if" ideas in organic chemical synthesis."
Professor Erik J. Sorensen, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, NJ, USA
"Development of (4+3) cycloadditions for the synthesis of bioactive and natural products. "
Professor Pauline Chiu, Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Kina
"Exploring methodologies for the synthesis of natural cyclic ethers. The biomimetic approach. "
Professor Victor S. Martin, Universidad de Laguna, Teneriffe, Spania