topp_okv2 (15K) [OKV 2019] [Faggruppen for organisk kjemi]

38. Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte, 9. - 12. januar 2025

OKV 2025


It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm I welcome you to the 38th Organic Chemistry Winter Meeting in beautiful winter surroundings at Skeikampen in January 2025. The meeting has many established traditions which we will honor also this time, and the previous 37 meetings in the series attest to its importance and success. The plenary lectures will represent both industry and academia, but perhaps this time with a younger perspective than what has been typical for OKV plenary speakers. Nevertheless, cutting-edge chemistry is on the menu! In between the plenaries you will find short presentations by researchers, postdocs and students at an early career stage who represent a taste of research and development ongoing in Norway.

The winter meeting is an important community event for organic chemists and organic chemistry-oriented environments and vendors in Norway. It has become an important training ground for our young scientists who sometimes have their first experience talking to a larger crowd at OKV, a place to learn what is ongoing at the international research frontiers, and to network with our wonderful colleagues and vendors of lab supplies and chemicals. It is the place where you meet the people behind all the scenes and learn their perspectives and unique stories - and maybe where you make yourself visible to your future employer, collaborator or supplier. In hindsight of the pandemic, let us treasure the value of meeting someone face-to-face and talk - all in the idyllic atmosphere at Thon Hotel Skeikampen and with some great food and drink!

Lastly, I want to give heartfelt and sincere thanks to the many sponsors of OKV - without your financial support it would be difficult to achieve such a meeting. Notably, the support is vital in order to offer travel stipends to Masters and PhD-students from all over Norway so they can attend the meeting, present their research and get valuable connections and a network for their future career development.

See you at Skeikampen!

Magne Olav Sydnes
OKV2025 Organizing Committee
