topp_okv2 (15K) [OKV 2019] [Faggruppen for organisk kjemi]
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35. Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte, 9. - 12. januar 2020


It is a great pleasure indeed to wish welcome to the 35th Winter Meeting in Organic Chemistry, OKV2020. The meeting will follow established traditions, which means that there will be a mix of plenary lectures presenting cutting-edge chemistry, given by experienced chemists, and short presentations delivered by students, post doc.'s and researchers at the start of their careers.

The Winter Meeting has always been an important event for the organic-chemistry community in Norway, in particular for many young participants, who gave their first public scientific presentation outside their home turf at such a meeting. Those that will belong to this category at OKV2020, are particularly welcome; we are looking forward to your presentations, also because we know that they will nourish the scientific discussion which is expected to be a significant part of the gathering.

With enthusiastic engagement from all participants, I feel quite confident that this meeting will turn out as successful as the 34 preceding conferences. Add to this the opportunities to get physical exercise and fresh air and we have the ideal recipe for a great start of 2020. Let us all invest what it takes to convert this recipe into a tangible result.

Finally, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all companies and businesses that I know will support our meeting financially. This support makes it possible to offer travel grants to Master and PhD students that will give presentations at the meeting.

I wish all of us fruitful and enjoyable days at Skeikampen.

Yngve Stenstrøm
OKV2020 Organizing Committee
