Industry Lecture 2009 |
NKS group for Macromolecular and Colloid Chemistry invites all interested to:Industry Lecture 2009.Kjemisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Aud. 2Thursday Oktober 15, 2009, 14:15 - 15:00 |
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Lecturerer: | Technology Director Gudbrand Rødsrud, Borregaard Ind. Ltd. |
Biorefinery and chemistry - possibilities and challenges in replacing petrochemicals with sustainable products from biomass. |
Abstract: | Borregaard is claimed to be the worlds most advanced biorefinery in operation. On this basis, Borregaard is running substantial new development programmes to convert biomass into chemicals, materials, proteins, fuel and energy in close cooperation with leading chemical companies in Europe and Americas. Rødsrud will present which chemical routes are mainly in focus in this industry today, and go into depth in some of the conversion routes Borregaard focus on. These developing technologies will combine a wide range of chemistry and Rødsrud will touch upon topics as wide as plant physiology, chemistry of natural substances, catalysis, enzymes, microbiology, fermentation, polymer science, surface chemistry, fuel technology, chemical engineering and international funding of research. Read more... |
About the lecturer: |
Gudbrand Rødrud is a polymer chemist from the University of Oslo (1981) and also holds an MBA in international marketing. Rødsrud has been employed at SINTEF in Oslo, working on plastics processing and at Dynea (former Dyno Industries) as a Laboratory Manager for the paint binder laboratory. Since 1995 Rødsrud has been employed by Borregaard, first as global R&D Director for Borregaard LignoTech (the leading lignin business world wide), expatriate as R&D Director for LignoTech South Africa south of Durban, and for the last 3 years as Technology Director Business Development within Borregaard, with responsibilities for development of biorefinery projects (biomaterials, biochemicals, 2nd generation bioethanol, and funding of research). |
Siden oppdatert 6.10.2009